Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in Art Research, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tehran University of Science and Research

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tehran University of Research Sciences

3 Professor of French Literature, Tarbiat Modares University

4 Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Arak Branch of Azad University


Fashion is a global industry that pollutes the environment by using natural resources. Sustainable fashion is a solution to deal with the environmental risks of the fashion industry, with the aim of preventing the waste of resources in the production and consumption sectors. The data of applied and descriptive-analytical study are collected through library research, are analyzed based on semantic semiotic approach of discourse in light of Jacques Fontaine's theory of transparency and prosthesis and Landowski’s adaptation system. The main issue is to see how fashion can create the conditions for a discourse that allows the transition from a system of destruction to an ideal system of the environment. Based on this, seven examples of brand activities have been purposefully selected and examined in terms of environmental sustainability and transparency. The results show that stimuli such as celebrities and environmentalists with their actions are able to create a desirable discourse system. It is suggested that governments and the private sectors establish companies to collect old textiles using the theory of transparency and adaptation and explanation of fashion prostheses and their relationship in the sustainable fashion industry, and  protect the environment as well as contribute to job creation.


Main Subjects

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