Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of linguistics, Yasouj university, Yasuj


The role of place is implicitly or explicitly undeniable, in the formation of discourse and the production of meaning. Objectivity and abstraction are two predominant characteristics of places, which each give their place according to their practical context in various discourses. The main question is, how can discourses be the place of spatial challenge and pave the way to pass from the state of action to the state of transcendence and imagination? Dissociation from objective space and place, phenomenal aspect of presence and sensory-perceptual reception of place can take shape to spatial transcendence. By adopting the descriptive-analytical research methodology and relying on the "Paris appeared from afar" as the corpus of research, which is a collection of travel descriptions of Qajar period travelers, the author seeks to an answer to the following question, how does enunciator achieve a transcedental and spatial aspect of Paris by negating the actional aspect of the place and by relying on the co-presence surrounded world and sensory –perceptual experience? This perception of the word and live experience reveals the phenomenological aspect of the place ad gives the reader a new insight of the “other place” and existence.


Main Subjects

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