Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of entrepreneurship, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Science and Research, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Faculty of Management and Economics, Tehran University of Science and Research


The purpose of this research is to examine the efforts and innovations that have made in the direction of developing the scientific register of Persian language in the field of entrepreneurship. For this purpose, all the articles of Tehran University's entrepreneurship magazine in the years 2008 to 2022 were explored by means of content analyses. The quarterly "Entrepreneurship Development" is a source for the production of modern Persian texts in the scientific register of Persian language in the field of entrepreneurship. To prepare the content analysis table, the classification of the Persian Language and Literature Academy was used for word selection methods. The classification has been based on selection (Persian archaic words), extension, derivation, dompounding, group or phrase, abbreviation and borrowing. The results indicate that during the 15 years of publication, the quarterly journal of Entrepreneurship has increased the lexical capital in the scientific form of the Persian language in the field of entrepreneurship. Word selection methods, including composition and group construction, have been well used, but some word selection capacities such as new selection, derivation and abbreviation are still neglected. Researchers use the construction of combination and group based on their linguistic intuition, without having consciously learned the processes of word formation, however, the use of more difficult methods such as substitution, derivation and abbreviation requires training to cultivate scientific language.


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