Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Persian literature، Payame Noor University ،Tehran، Iran.

2 Ph.D. Candidate in Persian Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran



The story of Jamshid and Zahhak is the primary cornerstone of distinguishing Iranian identity from other identities. For the first time in this story, Ferdowsi deals with differentiation and represents the identity and independent geography and also unique components of Iran and Iranian kings. Despite of dualities like Iranian king’s kiani far and Zahhak's demonic temper as the main line of differentiation of Iranian identity, this distinction has shown itself especially in the context of geography and territorial identity. like distinction of Iran from other lands such as Arabia or India.
Regarding the importance of this story in shaping the subsequent events and the story line in Iran's national epic, the main purpose in which this article is written on is to explain and represent the components of Iran's territorial identity in the story of Jamshid and Zahak through the use of Van Dijk's discourse analysis method. using the mentioned method, selected verses from the story were analyzed and explained by use of discourse strategies. Based on this, the results of this research show that the selected verses from the story of Jamshid and Zahhak match the Iranian identity against the non-Iranian identity to the land and territorial distinction, which can be considered as a part of the process of identification of Iranians.


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