Document Type : Research Paper
Racism is defined (Van Dijk,1993A) as a specific social system of domination in which ethnic groups and their members (i.e. majority) abuse their power in various ways in interaction with other ethnic groups and their members (i.e. minority).Modern racism is hidden, so finding racism needs special strategies in new texts and discourses. Elites have power, control and access to media and they influence people. Van Dijk represents structures and strategies (reproduction of racism theory,1993A) finding racism which consist of surface Structures and meaning (deep) structures. In this research, Donald Trump’s lectures in election (2016, SEP) taken from New York Times were analyzed based on Van Dijk’s Structures and Strategies.The findings of this research show that Trump considers religion, nationality and culture of immigrants. Moreover, many of surface and meaning structure are found in Trump’s lectures with different frequencies. Generally speaking, the results of this research are in concordant with Van Dijks’s researches on racism.