Document Type : Research Paper




From ancient times, cities have been the location and place of appearance of paper characters actions in novels and stories. Urban story / film as a literary genre pictures man’s cinematic encounter with critically oriented approaches, the birth of a modern urban man and the contradictions and changes in his performance in interacting with his environment. Urban spaces and existing cultures make up a large part of the daily lives of citizens. Now, the first question is what is our tool against the spatial representation as a text and an image? Undoubtedly, the metropolis faces the difficulty of presenting and representing its audience due to its complex nature. This theme naturally shows itself when creating an artwork in its various fields. Reading cross-levels, diverse facets and hidden layers of space from the lines of literary masterpieces, including ways to recognize cities, have been in different historical periods. Now, the question is that in the Asghar Farhadi movie of the seller, how is the representation of Tehran and the contemporary urban community depicted. In recent years, studies on space-time issues have been discussed and were fulfilled in various aspects. Examining such spaces requires a multidisciplinary tool and approach


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