Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Theater, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Tehran

3 Professor of Semiotics, Tarbiat Modarres University


With regard to the advent of intermediality theory in the recent years, the objective of this study is to bring to the attention the breakdown of the theater discourse space into several forms of media spaces in order to understand their forms of participation in theater through the study of its intermedia functions. The communication space will form in relation to the intermedia and collision of host and guest media. In such a communicative context, the primary features of communication may be maintained or make a transition to a new discourse. Accordingly, the paper provides a definition as well as a comparison/contrast of concepts such as media relations and media references, mixmediality, multimediality, transmediality and intermediality. There has always been confusion between concepts of intermedia and intertextuality to the extent that, at times, they have been mistakenly used interchangeably. This study discusses the emergence of intermedia theory and its status in art and media discourse analysis in the era of technology expansion, relying on some plays performed between 2011 and 2016.


Main Subjects

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