Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics, Payame Noor University

2 MA in English Language Teaching


Over the last decade, the fields of sociolinguistics and applied linguistics have witnessed a growing interest in research on linguistic landscape. In this connection, numerous studies have investigated language and linguistic signs as used in the living environment. This study was an attempt to explore shop owners' attitudes towards naming their businesses in two areas of high and low social class in Esfahan. To this end, the data were collected from 100 shop owners by means of a questionnaire in the form of likert and a structured interview. The questionnaire was adopted and modified from Hussein, Nofal and Mansour’s (2015) study. It was employed to elicit factors governing the choice of names for businesses in the two areas of high and low socioeconomic status in Esfahan. Owners' attitude towards naming their shops as influenced by language, religion, location and social status has been investigated.The findings showed that there are statistically significant differences between the low and high socioeconomic status groups with regard to the criteria for naming businesses. 


Main Subjects

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