Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Candidate in Linguistics, Payame Noor University

2 Instructor in Linguistics, Payame Noor University


This study attempts to analyze the report of a sport reporter in two important historical periods through a sociolinguistic and discursive approach. The research aims to examine the impact of the socio-political environment on the narrating of sport reports to reveal the extent of the impact of a sport narration on the national identity construction. The research method is descriptive-analytical and research data are derived from the reports of the two games of the World Cup Iran-Australia (1998) and Iran-Spain (2018). The instances are the reporter's statements during the emotional moments of the game analyzed in three parts: "social actors", "actions", and "reactions". Then by applying identity-based approach by Van Leeuwen (1996), the quality and quantity of individual and national identity have been studied. In this research, the human variable-reporter was considered as a constant variable and social-political constraint of two different periods was considered as a dependent variable. The results indicate that under the influence of socio-political conditions, the discursive approach of a sport report shifted from highlighting the individual identities to highlighting the national identity. It was also shown that by using classification and relational categorization instead of nomination and individual mythology, individual identities can be marginalized in the favor of national identity being strengthened.


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