Document Type : Research Paper
Professor of French Language, Tarbiat Modares Universit
Identity and vogue are in constant relationship in a discursive regime and as a process pursue the flow of semiosis. Vogue tries to reach an idealized presence with the bond that establishes on the one hand between what it has, but which has become the habit and what the other has , which is not the habit yet and can be considered the result of the reconciliation with itself. Thus, the discourse of the vogue takes the path in parallel with the reconstruction of identity where we encounter with an idealized body, since in this respect the vogue portrays an image of the other. This similarity with the other creates a distance with the body-habit. The vogue moves in a contradiction with two negative and positive poles. This contradiction guarantees in its turn the rationality of the vogue. The main objective of semiotic analysis of vogue is to show how the vogue passes over the boundary of structures and habits and enters the discourse of chaos –idealism in its own system of social order through a processual and rational manner.
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