Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Linguistics, Payame Noor University

2 Ph. D. in linguistics,researcher, payame noor university, tehran


Mass media pave the way for expressing social affairs and people’s lives at the national and international levels. As a powerful and influential tool, Cinema plays a significant role in attracting audiences to express social issues. Using Fairclaough model for critical discourse analysis and descriptive and qualitative method, this research investigates one of the branches of sociolinguistics, namely, the impact of the gender on the representation of social issues in Rag-e-Khab. The population of this study is Iranian cinema movies, and Rage-e-Khab, selected through a purposive sampling method, was analyzed for the purpose of this study. The main questions are: How does the movie Rage-e-Khab represent gender? How are the men and women represented in the film's story? The findings of this study show that the female character of the story owes her luck to the presence of a man whom she does not know very well, and builds a world with her emotional and fragile beliefs stemming from her mistaken view of life. The man's character in the story betrays the woman and abuses her fragile psychological conditions after separation, and ultimately destroys the love in the woman, yet he remains in the life of the woman in the story. This woman represents a part of those in society who grew up unknowingly disregarding their surroundings and neglected the advice of the father, which was portrayed in the film as the society. As a result, women confronted with the bitter truth of deception and, ultimately, this internal collapse recreates them and makes them meaningful.


Main Subjects

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