Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Research Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, Tehran

2 PhD in Sociology, Researcher in the Institute of Social Studies and Research, University of Tehran


The research aims to investigate the women's identity as one of the most controversial subjects in the Islamic Revolutionary sub-discourse such as construction, reform, radical principalism and moderation on the basis of Laclau and Mouffe's discourse theory. To this end, the speeches of each above-mentioned sub-discourse were analyzed of the political elites. The findings show that the central slab of the three superscripts of tradition, modernity and traditional discourse moderated intrinsic inequality between men and women, social activity of women as Westernization and Muslim women in proximity proportions. There are some features of the previous two discourses that formulate the meaning of the discourse with different signatures. Also, the analysis of the discourse of women's position in the subtleties of the traditionalized superfundament suggests that constructive discourse emphasizes the presence of women in the community with education and employment syndrome. In contrast to the cross-talk of reform, women's participation in various social fields, which is considered to be equal to empowerment and employment, is associated with the concept of changing attitudes toward women, equal opportunities, lack of attention to gender, knowledge and awareness, family consolidation and veil (with tolerance). In conflict with the reformist discourse, the radical principled rhetoric emphasizes the strengthening of the family and the role of feminine and female motherhood, while building a central part of it, which is a partnership. The semantic system of the women's base in this subtitle arranges the maternal syndrome, complementary man, educator, promoter of love, veil and chastity and family labor. Dialogue of moderation in conflict with radical discourse, and in contrast, considers women as independent subjects, with an emphasis on the equality of women and men, highlights the central paradigm of equality between men and women, and the women's employment syndrome, equal opportunities, elimination of legal barriers, family planning, lack of gender and welfare, and women's insurance are linked to the gender parenting of Men and Women.


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