Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology, Shiraz University

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University

3 Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University

4 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University


Immigration constitutes a significant impetus for making changes in identity. The present research aims to study the linguistic identity of migrant Lak living in Namjoo (Gorgan) Neighborhood of Tehran from a sociolinguistic point of view. Thus, with a qualitative approach, the data were collected through observation, semi-structured and in-depth interviews with 23 informants who were selected through snowball sampling. The data were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using a thematic analysis. The findings showed tha there was a difference among the residents in terms of language-mediated identity building with variation of age and generation. The second generation of women's mastery of Lak language was lower than men's, but they showed more willingnes than men to produce their own language to be closer to the standard language. The first generation's skill at understanding and speaking Lak was higher than men's and contrary to the second generation, they showed resistance against homogenizing conditions by employitng the langusge to Lak speakers in public and private contexts. However, the second generation showed more flexibility in their use of mother tongue due to their life experirnce. Unlike Laki, Persian (the official language) has a comprehensive writing system, efficiency, value, and social proof that facilitates its acceptance. Hence, Lak language is threatened not only by migrants in the host society but also due to lacking a writing system.


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