Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages, IKIU

2 Assistant professor of Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages, IKIU

3 . M.A. of Teaching Persian to Speakers of Other Languages, IKIU


Investigating the perception of language learners toward language and literature is considered as a significant issue in sociolinguistics and research on language education. Probing the Persian language learners’ understanding toward the literature might shed lights on the effectiveness of literal texts in learning Persian language; it may also clarify its status among the Persian language learners. It is currently argued that the literature cannot be beneficial in language teaching making it the subject of intense debate among Persian language practitioners. The relevant literature indicates that the attitude of Persian language learners has received very little scholarly attention. This study investigated the perception of non-Iranian Persian language learners toward the use of literal texts in Persian language teaching profession. The data collection tool was a forty-five-item questionnaire distributed among 166 participants. The findings indicated that the non-Iranian Persian language learners had significantly positive attitude toward the application of literal texts in Persian language courses; the considered criteria were apparently effective in encouraging the learners to learn Persian through the literal texts. The results could be contributing in curriculum development for non-Persian language learners and Persian language teaching program.


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