Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Languages and Literature, Tarbiat Modarres University

2 Teaching Persian to Non-Persian Speakers, Allameh Tabataba'i University


The research aims to study international students' attitudes toward online courses and social media uses in Persian language learning and strengthening language skills during the pre- and post-corona virus spread. First, students' attitude toward e-learning, online courses, and use of social media in learning Persian language as a second language was measured to understand their willingness toward virtual courses in Tarbiat Modares and Allameh Ttabataba'I universities. We distributed the questionnaire once more after closing the universities and students' return to their countries and starting e-learning. Results show that after the closure of the universities due to the pandemic Corona virus and holding virtual Persian language courses, Persian students' attitudes at elementary, intermediate and advance levels toward learning Persian language and strengthening their language skills, as well as their overall attitude toward Persian language virtual learning have been improved. The highest rate of positive attitude is related to students at intermediate level and the lowest positive attitude rate belongs to advance level students..


Main Subjects

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