Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Member of Institute for Social and Cultural Studies


The aim of this study is to represent the Iranian doctor-patient relationship in the condition of Corona Pandemic and compare it with the story of Enemies by Anton Chekhov. The data includes comments by Iranian citizens in response to the news of the dismissal of some Iranian doctors in the Corona pandemic, which has been posted on Internet sites. The research has been conducted with a qualitative approach and using a descriptive-analytical method, based on Van-Dijk's (2006c) ideological square model. Based on the findings, the strategy used in the Iranian citizen's narrative is "emphasis on our positive" including the categories of metaphor, negative representation, polarization and generalization, and the strategies used by Chekhov in the story of the enemies are "emphasis on our positive" and "emphasis on another negative". The results of the research show that due to the social situations and changes in the balance of power, the discourse in both texts is similar and influenced by the context, is biased. This bias not only distorts the truth, but also creates a gap between the two social actors, the citizen and the doctor, in a critical situation, and as a result, they become enemies of each other.


Main Subjects

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