Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Bu-Ali Sina University

2 M.A. in Linguistics, Bu-Ali Sina University


The term ‘honorifics’ refers to special linguistic forms that are used to signify deference toward the nominal referent or the addressee. The main motive of this research is to identify various types of honorifics during Qajar era based on Ghaem Magham Farahani's Monshi’at. The research data included 2221 honorific forms extracted from the above mentioned corpus. The theoretical framework used in this study was the honorifics classification proposed by Shibatani (2006). He classified honorifics into four classes: referent honorifics, addressee honorifics, avoidance languages and beautification. In order to find out the frequency of the honorifics, the data in different qualitative analysis have been analyzed qualitatively. The findings showed that referent honorifics are more frequent in the corpus and no particles, prefixes and suffixes are found in the corpus as referent honorific. Moreover, the findings displayed that in addition to categories discussed earlier, we can also add adjectival honorifics and praying phrases to honorifics categories. Furtheremore, the results demonstrated that social status, power and formality were effective in using honorofics in the Qajar era.


Main Subjects

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