Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Payam-e Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate of Linguistics, , Payam-e Noor University (PNU), Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between language and image in the advertisements of Persian language magazines in the framework of Unsworth’s (2006) model. In this qualitative-based research, the library method is used. The authors used Unsworth’s (2006) theory to analyze the data and used 100 advertisements in Persian-language magazines to do so. The data were randomly selected from advertisements published Persian magazines such as Green Family (Khanevade Sabz), Family (Khanevade), Days of Life (Rouzhaye Zendegi), Photo (Aks), Farm (Mazrae), Film, Spike (Sonbole) and Second (Saniye) in 2019. The data were then analyzed based on Unsworth’s (2006) model to investigate the relationship between image language in the meaning structure. The findings showed that the relationship of expansion has many applications and from the sub-categories of expansion current relations and complementarity are more than the relationship of expansion in these advertisements. This study also showed that the use of language-image relations according to Unsworth’s model of the meaning of thinking on advertising and taking into account the interests of individuals and the growing progress of society, is very suitable to motivate audiences and this model can be used to analyze magazines.


Main Subjects

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