Document Type : Research Paper


1 بلوار مرز داران، خیابان سپهر، کوچه سپهر سوم، پلاک 19، واحد 8

2 Associate professor of information science and Technology of Iran (IranDoc)

3 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Islamic Azad University


This essay discusses the typology of case system in four varieties of Turkish language: Azeri, Khalaji, Anatolian and Uzbek Turkish. Case-marking is one of the applied methods to show the grammatical connection between elements of the sentence. It also indicates the grammatical connections between the noun and verb clauses. Theoretical approach of this study is based on Comrie's approach (1989),which has introduced the five types of languages. The data of the study are gathered from the literality texts and fictions in varieties of each language . According to these data, there are six types of case-marking in Turkish language and its dialect's that There are nominative, accusative, dative, genitive, locative and ablative. The case-marking bound morphemes are presented through suffixes. Transitivity topic is also examined in this research. Since the selected dialects belong to different branches of Turkish language, there are some similarities and differences between them which have been studied typologically.


Main Subjects

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