Document Type : Research Paper


1 General Linguistics, North Tehran Branch Azad University

2 Associate Professor of Linguistics, Research and Development of Humanities Institute (SAMT), Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Research and Development of Humanities Institute (SAMT), Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan, Iran



Shahnameh Ferdowsi, a masterpiece about Ancient Iran, reveals Iranian old culture. This study tries to investigate the conceptualization of the cultural value of respect between parents – children and vice versa among all of the stories in Shahnameh. It figures out how these conceptualizations are shown and whether they are the same in both groups or not. This paper is based on cultural linguistics and follows its theoretical framework which includes three analytical tools named cultural schema, cultural category and cultural metaphor.The analytical-descriptive approach is used to collect the data and cultural pragmatic schema, a sub-branch of cultural schema, is the criterion for analyzing them. It is found that among 151 couplets, 61 cases are about respect conceptualization from parents toward children and 90 ones refer to respecting parents by children. The results demonstrate that respect conceptualization is observed among all social and family levels and situations even if with various forms; some of them are the same and some are specific to each group.


Main Subjects

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www. Daytranslations. Com; The relationship between language and culture defined,  آفرین در شاهنامه، (۱۳۹۲