Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran


Ethnic identity provides a way of understanding the need to assert oneself in the face of threats to one's identity (Weinreich, 1988) and social categories are the output of one's categorization based on a specific factor. The present study investigates the role of categorization as a cognitive strategy in identifying the Guilak people. In that it seeks to determine how a change in basic level membership reflects the attitude of one ethnic group toward the food category and how that categorization leads to confrontation between self and the other. The selection of Guilaki food proverbs as the research data indicates the importance of the role of these linguistic utterances as an integral component of popular culture which explains ethnic backgrounds. These proverbs have been collected in a field method and analyzed based on Rush's (1975) opinions. The findings of the research reveal that the lowland settlers in Guilan whose staple diet is rice define their identity based on it. Therefore, while categorizing food into two general categories of bread and rice, through the confrontation of these two, they forge the identity of self and the other. Rice, as an identity-building component, determines the degree of social belonging of a Guilak to the group.


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