Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Linguistics, Islamic Azad University, Qom, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Intercultural Studies, Bagir al- Olum University, Qom, Iran

3 Professor of Clinical Psychology, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Discursive psychology considers body as a construct of discourse, and discourse is action-oriented in this approach. The increasing number of cosmetic surgeries in the country and its consequent risks, changed the study of the beauty phenomenon and its new concept into a serious problem. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to study warrants in Iranian female’s discourse based on discursive psychology approach. This analytic theoretical approach focuses on speech and writing and considers the understanding of psychological phenomenon in the social context possible. This study is qualitative, and the data were analyzed based on Ruth Wood Dock’s (1985) warrants and Talmin's (1995) model. The data were collected from blogger's interviews and lives on Instagram. The interviewees are ten female bloggers between twenty to thirty from homogeneous areas in Tehran. The results confirm that the female body and the embodied identity are produced, understood and validated through simple and everyday practices and human physics plays an essential role in formation of myself or identity. The use of warrants such as being beautiful, making money and buisiness success in the bloggers' discourse is a guarantee for the realization of appreciation of the operated body, complaining about the current body and accepting responsibility for surgeries.


Main Subjects

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