Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in General Linguistics, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of General Linguistics, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


Due to the importance of Covid19 virus in people's lives in the last few years, the present study aimed to investigate how people expressed their feelings about this disease. In other words, this study explored the type of emotions expressed by people and the topics discussed by them in social networks. To this end, using a configuration-based method, first, 53000 documents were collected using the method of crawling pages from Twitter. The data were then classified automatically using emotional keywords and metaphorical concepts. After that the important issues raised in these data were identified. Topics such as vaccination, complications of coronary disease, and health, cultural, political, economic, religious, educational, and global status have been among the topics raised by users during this period. The results showed that some economic, health, and political issues and complications of coronary heart disease have played a greater role than other issues to express emotions.


Main Subjects

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