Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD candidate in Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Rudehen, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Rudehen ,Tehran,Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University of Rudehen, Tehran,Iran.


Social semiotics examines the status and function of signs in the society and it is one of the recent approaches to text analyses in semiotic studies. One of the important views in the discussion of social semiotics is Pierre Guerrero who classified social semiotics into issues of identity and social etiquette. Signs of social etiquettes show how individuals and social groups communicate. These signs are divided into verbal and non-verbal communications. The aim of this study is to find the signs of social etiquette in Makhzal Al-Asrar based on the Pierre Guerrero's framework. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this study explored the social signs of non-verbal communication from the Makhzal Al-Asrar. After categorizing, counting and analysing the data, it is found that these signs are associated with actions and postures, various states of facial expressions (crying and laughing, shyness, color, look and eyes), distance, space, food, objects, clothes, symbols and signs, smell and aroma in Makhzon-ul-Asrar. However, the actions and posture of the body and the posture of the behaviour, respectively, had the highest frequency of use, which has played a role in the transfer of concepts through body language along with the spoken language. With the intention of recognizing and encouraging the audience to accept moral-behavioral norms according to his proposed models, Nizami consciously uses the non-verbal communication indicators as auxiliary language in order to make his teachings more effective.


Main Subjects

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