Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate in Linguistics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Linguistics, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Semantics and semiotics of discourse are the results of structuralist semiotics and the narrative system of semantic studies. This approach links the flow of meaning production with sensory-perceptual conditions. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the narrative structure of the position of animals in the stories of Kelileh and Demneh from the perspective of semiotics. The main issue of the research is how the state transcendence is manifested in the current narrations. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the data are ten chapters of Kelileh and Demneh anecdotes which have been collected and examined in a documentary manner. The main idea is that people broadly interpret their experiences and convey them in the form of stories. The results of the research show that in each narrative, depending on the events and happenings, different discourse systems can be observed and explained. Narratives serve to convey a moral message to the audience in terms of the function of semio-semantics as a meaningful discourse and the abstract narrator often take the state system by layering the text. The results indicate that in most of the narrations, state system overcomes the action system and after that, calls for other systems of discourse, such as systems of coincidence, event, and adaptation. The findings indicate the fact that the discursive state system in various ways produces meaning sometimes by resistance to the stabilized situation along with retaliatory actions, sometimes, with a system of discourse conservatism and adaptation principle, sometimes with the discourse system of risk-taking and thus provides the way to enter the existential transcendence of animal narrations. The analysis shows that in the tales of this masterpiece, and has realized the meaning.


Main Subjects

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