Document Type : Research Paper
1 ssistant Professor in Linguistics, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran.
2 Assistant Professor in Translation Studies, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran.
3 M.A. Student in Linguistics, Valie-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran
The present study investigates the European toponyms based on two linguistic criteria. The first criterion is the main factor for calling European countries; in other word, we try to determine the different factors of the European toponyms including social, political, geographical, religious and etc. The second criterion is related to Persian equivalences of European toponyms. For these sakes, 54 European country names extracted. The results of the first goal reveal that there are 6 factors for the European toponyms. Among them, the name of tribes and nations is the most popular one since is used in 28 European toponyms. Other factors are the name of Geographical feature or zone, the name of a person, the name of an animal, the name of a monument or the name of a natural element. The results of the second criterion also shows that there are 3 word formation processes for naming European toponyms including Borrowing, loan translation and coinage. The most popular one is borrowing which is used in 44 Persian equivalents of European toponyms. Loan translation is used for the formation of 7 European toponyms in Persian and only one of European toponyms is the result of coinage in Persian.
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