Document Type : Research Paper



Taboos make a part of people’s language in different regions and they are used under the effect of sociological factors. The aim of the present study is to examine and classify different types of linguistic taboos in Ārān and Bidgol dialect and to evaluate the difference of their usages regarding social variables of age and gender in single- and mixed-gender environments. The population of the study includes men and women living in Ārān and Bidgol and the sample consists of 180 people (90 men  and90 women). Gender, age, marriage status, and education make the independent variables whose effect on the usage of the taboos is calculated separately in each environment. The results indicate that men use taboos more frequently than women, and similarly, single people use them more frequently than the married ones. Besides, the number of taboos decreases along with the increase of their age.


Main Subjects

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