Research Paper Language & Media
A Discourse Analysis of the Concept of Love in Iranian Popular Songs

S.A. Soltani; Z. Karami

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 9-20

  Sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary field that can provide a linguistic perspective of society and culture. One of the important domains of popular culture is popular songs which have not been seriously studied so far from a sociolinguistic viewpoint in Iran. The lyrics of these songs are reflections ...  Read More

Research Paper Dialectology
Geographical Distribution of Vowel Variations of Sistani Dialect in Shahraki-Naroui and Miyankangi Regions

A.A. Ahangar; P. Yousefian; H.A. Khadkhoda

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 21-35

  Each language continues to survive by means of some of its variations. One of the important sub-domains of sociology of language deals with the geographical distributions of these variations. The aim of this study is to investigate the geographical distribution of some vowel variations in Sistani dialect ...  Read More

Research Paper Language Contact and Conflict
Arrānaji or Qarqahdili Argot in Tāti-Speaking Regions of Khalkhāl

J. Sabzalipour; R. Delgarm

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 36-47

  From the viewpoint of sociology of language, one of the important linguistic phenomena in any given society is the formation of argots and their structural description. An argot is the language or the dialect of a social group whose members like the content of their speech remains secret for other groups, ...  Read More

Research Paper Language & Media
Metaphor and Metonymy in the Economic Media Language Variety: A Corpus-based Approach

P. Bamshadi; Z. Mohammad Ebrahimi; Sh. Ansarian

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 48-56

  News texts, and specially news headlines, must be interesting and persuasive so that they can draw the addressee's attention and encourage him/her to study and follow the news. One way to achieve this goal is to use metaphor and metonymy in the  language of media. Metaphor and metonymy, as two cognitive ...  Read More

Research Paper Language Contact and Conflict
The Hawrami dialect of Paveh, verb, tense, aspect, mood, ergative construction.

B. Abbasi; A. Najafian

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 57-74

  Hawrami, a member of Gurani-Hawrami-Zaza language family, is a North-Western Iranian language. Many scholars consider Hawrami as a member of Kurdish languages (or dialects) but this is a controversial issue and structural differences between Hawrami and other Kurdish dialects have deepened this controversy. ...  Read More

Research Paper Language & Media
The Effect of Sociolinguistic Variables on Using Linguistic Taboos in Ārān and Bidgol Dialect

M. Talebi Dastnabi; A. Khoshbakht Arani

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 75-86

  Taboos make a part of people’s language in different regions and they are used under the effect of sociological factors. The aim of the present study is to examine and classify different types of linguistic taboos in Ārān and Bidgol dialect and to evaluate the difference of their usages regarding ...  Read More

Research Paper
Gender Effects on the Recognition of Emotional Prosody: Evidence from Persian Language

N. Keshtiari

Volume 1, Issue 1 , January 2017, Pages 87-99

  Proper understanding and processing of a speaker’s emotional prosody is critical to effective social interaction. Vocal emotional expressions which carry a rich source of information about a speaker’s emotions and his/her social intentions are influenced by individual differences (eg, gender, ...  Read More