Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Linguistics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Linguistics, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


This is a fundamental research whose method is content analysis. It attempted to examine some cognitive and social elements of the texts of Teaching Persian Language in Persian (6th book)(Islamic Language and Education Training Center, 1395) for non-Persian learners of Al-Mustafa International University in the framework of cognitive sociolinguistics. The unit of analysis was “sentence” and all of the texts were examined. To do this, all sentences containing image schemas were extracted from among the 1150 sentences existing in the book while availing from Johnsons’ 1987 research. Then, from among these (430) sentences, 400 ones containing social variables were extracted and analyzed. In these sentences, the image schemas of "movement", "force", "collection" and "content" made the most metaphorical conceptualization, and the image schemas of "link", "merging" and "attraction" had the least frequency in the texts. Besides, social variables of "religion", "power", "politeness", "correlation" and "dignity" played a great role in creating metaphorical systems. Moreover, the results indicated how the texts were influenced by the type of audience, the purpose of learning the Persian language, and the writers’ style and attitude.


Main Subjects

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