Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Payame Noor University , Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Payame Noor University , Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Payame Noor University , Tehran, Iran


In this paper, the plural morpheme, its allomorphs and the morphonological processes resulting from its connection to nominal stems have been investigated in Mamasani Lori dialect based on the framework of optimality approach. The research method was analytical- descriptive and the method of data collection is a field study. The results showed that connection of the plural /-æl/ to the singular nominal stems ending in consonant is accompanied by a process of re-syllabification, which indicates that the ALIGN-R constraint is violated to satisfy the ONSET constraint. In the hiatus context of the vowels of nouns ending in /jæ/ and /-æl/, first the insertion process of intrusive consonant /j/ is occurred, then during the dissimilation process and OCP constraint, deletion process is taken place. In this study, the glide /j/ is the underlying intrusive consonant, which is changed in to its allophones /w/, /-ɟ/ and /n/. Some noun stems ending in /æ/ are assimilated to the intrusive consonant /j/ and changed to the vowel /ɪ/. In some others, in order to differentiate semantically in homonymous words, the optimal approach of Lexically-accessed Constraints was used. In these contexts, HIATUS, ONSET and NUC have the highest rankings.


Main Subjects

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