Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Educational Sciences, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


This study aims to investigate Wittgenstein’s language games theory and its methodological implications in educational studies. This qualitative research utilized a conceptual analysis and inductive method to review the related literature. In this study, first, Wittgenstein's language games theory and the nature of its rules were studied. Then, a set of methods consistent with the nature of research and evaluation in the fields of education science was extracted. Among the methods extracted from the theory of language games were paying attention to the social context and overcoming the dominance of quantity in educational issues, limiting the scope of research and paying attention to the interwoven networks of affairs, emphasizing distinction in the analysis of educational issues, self-imposed exile, overcoming biases, how to learn, learning the experience of educational agents in the heart of the society and finally promoting a critical view and getting rid of the habit. In general, it can be concluded that it is impossible to speak of precise, constant, and uniform steps in the methodological discussion in the same way in all situations. It can also be concluded that Wittgenstein sought to solve the problems of philosophy and the true understanding of the world by understanding the language. New generation understanding of the world can be enhanced by introducing the nature of language and its functions.


Main Subjects

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