Research Paper Language and Culture
A Cross-Cultural Study of the Biological Motivation of Hand and Foot Metonymy-based Metaphors in Persian and English

Zahra Barati; Belghis Rovshan; Shirin Pourebrahim; Fatemeh Yousefi Rad

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 1-24

  The present research provides a cross-cultural study about hand and foot metonomy-based metaphors in Persian and English by means of a semantic analysis. The research method is exploratory and its data includes 32 conventional metaphorical expressions containing hand and foot body terms which are taken ...  Read More

Research Paper Discourse Analysis
Conceptual Metaphor and Blending in Critical Discourse Analysis of Iran’s Political Cartoons

Shadi Ansarian; Negar Davari Ardakani

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 25-38

  Cartoons are media tools published in many newspapers, magazines, Internet news websites and even virtual networks on various fields and themes. They play an important role in expressing and mediating different political, social, economic and cultural concepts. Conceptual metaphor and blending, as cognitive ...  Read More

Research Paper Sociolinguistics
Investigating the Effect of the Addressee’s Social Dominance on Type and Number of Request Strategies Employed by Adolescent and Young Female Sarhaddi Balochi Speakers

Abbas Ali Ahangar; Seddigheh Zeynali Dastuyi; Somayyeh Mirkazehi,

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 39-54

  The adressee’s social dominance as well as the age of the subjects are among the factors influencing the use of type and number of request strategies by the speakers of any language. The purpose of the present research is to study the effect of the adressee’s social dominance on the type ...  Read More

Research Paper Sociolinguistics
Naming People in Iranian Comedy and Social TV Series

Fatemeh Azimifard

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 55-66

  Social and cultural changes have affected people's taste to naming their children. There is no doubt about the impact of media on public opinion. In Iran, many television series have influenced the process of naming children in Iranian families, and according to Civil Registry Officials, series such ...  Read More

Research Paper Language and Culture
Wittgenstein’s Language Games Theory and its Methodological Implications in Educational Studies

kamal nosrati heshi; Hamid Ahmadi Hedayat; Ali Shiravani Shiri

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 67-79

  This study aims to investigate Wittgenstein’s language games theory and its methodological implications in educational studies. This qualitative research utilized a conceptual analysis and inductive method to review the related literature. In this study, first, Wittgenstein's language games theory ...  Read More

Research Paper Dialectology
The Investigation of a Coded Language: Ghosh Dili or Ayereh Dil in the Sarui Clan of the Qashqai Tribe

Razie Amiri; Mhammad Hadi Fallahi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 81-93

  In some tribes of Qashqai, apart from the Turkish language, there is also a conventional language. Qashqais call this language "Qoush Dili" (the language of birds) or "Ayiri Dil" (a language that others cannot understand). In this research, while introducing the coded language of Sarui clan of Qashqai, ...  Read More

Research Paper Sociolinguistics
Feminine Language Features in Building a Personal Brand on Instagram (A Case Study of a Persian Beauty Influencer)

Sara Vasheghany Farahany; Azita Abbasi

Volume 6, Issue 1 , March 2023, Pages 95-107

  One of the differences between men and women is their language variety. Lakoff (1975) is one of those linguists who studied women's language. To Lakoff’s, media is one of the areas that women's language can be investigated. Instagram is one of the most popular media where many people including ...  Read More